Moose::Cookbook::Snack::Keywords - Restricted "keywords" in Moose
version 2.2207
Moose exports a number of sugar functions in order to emulate Perl built-in keywords. These can cause clashes with other user-defined functions. This document provides a list of those keywords for easy reference.
The 'meta' keyword
use Moose
adds a method called meta
to your class. If this conflicts with a method or function you are using, you can rename it, or prevent it from being installed entirely. To do this, pass the -meta_name
option when you use Moose
. For instance:
# install it under a different name
use Moose -meta_name => 'moose_meta';
# don't install it at all
use Moose -meta_name => undef;
Moose Keywords
If you are using Moose or Moose::Role it is best to avoid these keywords:
- extends
- with
- has
- before
- after
- around
- super
- override
- inner
- augment
- confess
- blessed
- meta
Moose::Util::TypeConstraints Keywords
If you are using Moose::Util::TypeConstraints it is best to avoid these keywords:
- type
- subtype
- class_type
- role_type
- maybe_type
- duck_type
- as
- where
- message
- inline_as
- coerce
- from
- via
- enum
- find_type_constraint
- register_type_constraint
Avoiding collisions
Turning off Moose
To remove the sugar functions Moose exports, just add no Moose
at the bottom of your code:
package Thing;
use Moose;
# code here
no Moose;
This will unexport the sugar functions that Moose originally exported. The same will also work for Moose::Role and Moose::Util::TypeConstraints.
Sub::Exporter features
Moose, Moose::Role and Moose::Util::TypeConstraints all use Sub::Exporter to handle all their exporting needs. This means that all the features that Sub::Exporter provides are also available to them.
For instance, with Sub::Exporter you can rename keywords, like so:
package LOL::Cat;
use Moose 'has' => { -as => 'i_can_haz' };
i_can_haz 'cheeseburger' => (
is => 'rw',
trigger => sub { print "NOM NOM" }
See the Sub::Exporter docs for more information.
namespace::autoclean and namespace::clean
You can also use namespace::autoclean to clean up your namespace. This will remove all imported functions from your namespace. Note that if you are importing functions that are intended to be used as methods (this includes overload, due to internal implementation details), it will remove these as well.
Another option is to use namespace::clean directly, but you must be careful not to remove meta
when doing so:
package Foo;
use Moose;
use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
# ...
- Moose
- Moose::Role
- Moose::Util::TypeConstraints
- Sub::Exporter
- namespace::autoclean
- namespace::clean
Stevan Little <[email protected]>
Dave Rolsky <[email protected]>
Jesse Luehrs <[email protected]>
Shawn M Moore <[email protected]>
יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <[email protected]>
Karen Etheridge <[email protected]>
Florian Ragwitz <[email protected]>
Hans Dieter Pearcey <[email protected]>
Chris Prather <[email protected]>
Matt S Trout <[email protected]>
This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.