Convos features
- Always online
- Autocomplete
- Bot
- Developer friendly
- Easy to install
- File uploads
- Forgotten password and invitation links
- Notifications
- On connect commands
- Pastebin
- Privacy
- Quick search
- Rich formatting
- Settings
- Theming
- Translations
- User administration
- Video support
This document is a work in progress, and some of the screenshots might be inaccurate. Please submit a PR or let us know in the #convos channel on Libera if you think something is wrong or missing.
To see what Convos really support, we recommend trying out the demo.
Always online
Convos will keep you connected to a network, even if you close your browser. This means you can come back later and see historic messages.
Convos feature autocompletion for commands, nicks, channels and emojis.
Convos has a builtin bot. The bot has some core features listed in the link below, but it can also be extended to cater your own needs.
Developer friendly
Want to contribute to Convos? The Developement guide will get you up and running. The backend is written in Perl, the frontend in common web technologies, but if you don't know either you can still contribute with documentation patches.
Easy to install
No need for external servers or complex config files to get up and running.
File uploads
Forgotten password and invitation links
Convos will show desktop notifications when your nick is mentioned, or if any of the notification keywords are seen in a conversation. In addition, you can also enable notifications for all messages in a channel, or turn off notifications for a given private conversation.
On connect commands
We believe that you should be in control of your own data. This means that all the messages, file uploads and other information is kept on your server, and not shared with a third party.
Quick search
Convos has a quick search input in the upper left corner. This allows you to filter conversations, search for historic messages or show conversations with unread messages.
Rich formatting
- Convos can render emojis and will automatically turn common ASCII smileys into graphical emojis.
- Messages starting with ">" will be rendered as a quote.
- Common markdown formatting for bold and italic is supported.
- URLs will automatically be clickable.
- URLs will be expanded directly in the chat, giving you a quick preview.
Convos is translated to Italian, Norwegian and Spanish. Want Convos to be available in your language? Please open a PR!
User administration
Video support
Convos integrates with Jitsi. Clicking on "Camera" symbol in the chat input will start a Jitsi video conference and post a generated link into the current chat.